Restoration Community Church


Our women and men meet at Restoration on alternating Wednesday evenings (7:30-9:00pm) for bible study.  Also, women meet on Thursday morning (9:30am-11am), the week of men’s bible study. Each session will include an interactive teaching time before breaking into small groups.

Small groups will be arranged by our staff to provide an opportunity for deeper discussion, reflecting on the study as well as sharing life with one another. We encourage consistent attendance as much as possible, but participants are welcome to join in at any point during the year and attend as schedules allow. There is no homework for this study, but we'll encourage participants to interact with our churchwide Bible reading plan.

For men, contact Pastor Jon at if you’d like to join the men’s bible study or sign up at

For women, contact Adult Ministries Director Jenilyn Swett at if you’d like to join the women’s bible study or sign up at
